About OpenIt

Open-It:Open source consortium for Instrumentation
Open-It is a platform for collaboration networks among the various projects in accelerator science and related field; it aims to share experiences and technologies from R&Ds in detection systems and to provide opportunities of technical educations.
Open-It shares the existing know-hows of technologies which is absolutely imperative for developing, retaining and improving the detection systems.  Open-It is based on the professional collaboration networks among the various projects in accelerator science and related fields. Open-It keeps and modifies technologies related to sensing, signal processing, control, system integration  and involves state of art technologies for detection system development.
Researchers and students who agree with the aim of Open-It (Review is required to join).
Sharing resources and exchange of information based on the individual R&D activities of the members.  The Open-It activities are complementary and crossover between the projects within the professional networks. The activities includes seminars and training courses for instrumentation technologies as well as individual projects registered in Open-It.
効果:Benefit as an inter-project R&D platform
R&D activity retains high level in your project because of following reasons.
  • 技術補完:グループの大小を問わず、お互いの技術力の補完により高度な開発を低リスクで行うことが可能になる。
  • 連携促進:実験計測技術は実験・観測対象に依存しない部分が多いため、セミナー・研究会・プロジェクト開発等で共通の問題を持つプロジェクト間で連携する機会が多くなる。
  • 技術継承:システマティックな先端計測技術の蓄積を複数のグループ間で共有すると共に、セミナー・トレーニングコース等で技術継承を行う。
  • 研究創出:シーズとニーズのマッチング及び異なる手法の融合を通し萌芽的研究のプラットフォームとして機能する。
  • Technology complement:Completion of advanced R&D with low risk by technology complement among projects and/or groups
  • Collaboration expansion:Widening collaboration network based on common R&D items, because there are many commonality in detection system R&Ds
  • Technology inheritance:Inheritance of Know-hows during R&D in inter-group collaborations, as well as education of advanced technologies by seminars and training courses.
  • R&D creation:R&D creation platform by matching of seeds and needs, as well as interactions among different fields.


April 2010

